Covid-19 Information – Business Continuity

Covid-19 Information – Business Continuity

PMA A-NZ PMA A-NZCOVID-19 Guidelines for the fresh produce industryProtecting the health and safety of your employees, their families, and the broader communityEnsuring the ongong supply of fresh produce to Australian and New Zealand consumers, thereby supporting good...
When was fall armyworm detected in Australia?

When was fall armyworm detected in Australia?

Fall armyworm was first detected on two Torres Strait islands in January 2020 and confirmed in early February 2020. The first mainland detection in Australia was at Bamaga in February 2020. Subsequent detections of fall armyworm have occurred: near Croydon,...
COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

BFVG Office Policy COVID-19 | Effective 18th March 2020 Hand sanitiser is available upon entry and exit BFVG staff are limiting non-essential meetings or industry contact until further noticeMembers and Stakeholders are requested to distance...