Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd |
Media contact: Sam Norris Campaign Lead Tel: +61 2 8876 8601 Mob: +61 419 157 146 |

Early insect control essential for Bundaberg horticulture crops
Insect control early in the crop is an essential part of keeping plants heathy and maximising yield and quality.
Syngenta Territory Sales representative, Neil Bauer, said the region had a wide range of chewing and sucking insect pests across a wide range of fruiting vegetables and cucurbit crops.
“Early monitoring and identification of pests is a key part of obtaining good control and helping to adopt a strong spray program to minimise crop damage.
According to Neil one of the newer Syngenta insecticides local agronomists now recommend is MINECTO® Forte, which contains two active ingredients to control chewing and sucking pests.
Neil said MINECTO® Forte was applied last season to control a wide range of pests in both cucurbits and fruiting vegetables, pests included silverleaf whitefly, Helicoverpa armigera, Helicoverpa punctigera, potato moth, cluster caterpillar, green peach aphid, two-spotted mites and suppression of western flower thrips. MINECTO® Forte has a short withholding period of four days into fruiting vegetables, and one day into cucurbits which allows growers more flexibility timing of spray applications.
“Timing and application of any product is paramount in obtaining effective control of chewing and sucking pests,” Neil said.
Rotating chemistry modes of action is also very important in the control of these pests, while also reducing the risk of resistance. Resistance management needs to be at the forefront of any good spray program.
As always, regular crop monitoring is important. Apply MINECTO® Forte when pest thresholds are reached and continue to monitor crops and make subsequent insecticide applications as required.
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